Ascot Hills Park Habitat Restoration & Greening Project 

Restoring Ascot Hills Park’s beautiful natural habitat


Location: 4371 Multnomah St, Los Angeles 90032

Timeline: Oct 2014 – Dec 2019

Project Funded by: California Natural Resources Agency, Proposition 84, through the Urban Greening for Sustainable Communities Program

Additional Grant Contribution: California Trails and Greenways Foundation, $1,000 for the purchase of trail construction tools

Project goals were to restore the park’s natural habitat, increase tree canopy, install low impact vegetative systems that mimic natural hydrologic patterns, improve air and water quality, provide key learning and stewardship opportunities, and attract community members to use the park.

Thousands of native trees, grasses and perennials were planted to restore the park’s native Californian flora and fauna. Increasing the native tree canopy reduced soil erosion on hillside slopes while increasing habitat for native animals and improving air and water quality.

Newly built stormwater retention systems that mimic natural hydrologic patterns along the natural topography of the park retain stormwater and allow for rainwater infiltration to replenish groundwater. Examples include low impact bioswales and raingardens to capture and filter rainwater.

Amenities such as vista points, natural rock seating and over two and a half miles of  improved trails enhanced park user experience, attracting thousands of community members to use the improved park. Interpretive signage provides key learning and stewardship opportunities.

This project aimed to make a lasting difference to the community by helping preserve one of the last remaining natural open spaces in Los Angeles. This project was completed by North East Trees in December 2019.


Students of Mendez High School, of Boyle Heights, volunteered during trail construction Students

The tools used were obtained from grant funds from the California Trails & Greenways Foundation.


Informational Signage




Buchanan St. Elementary School Greening